Tropical Rain Forest Essay

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The tropical rain forest is one of the major vegetation types of the globe (Richards, 2006; Whitmore, 1998). It occupies a total area of 1818.43 million hectares, representing 47% of the total land area occupied by all forest types of the world (FAO, 2003). The tropical rain forest is the most diverse of all terrestrial ecosystems, containing more plant and animal species than any other biome (Turner, 2001). In spite of this diversity, most species are locally endemic or rare and patchily distributed (Richards, 2006). It is worthy to note that in recent times, the concern has been to concentrate conservation effort in the tropical rainforest because of its richness in biodiversity. This rainforest is one of the major vegetation belts in Nigeria. It consists of the moist tropical, and the lowland semi-deciduous forests, which form a narrow strip of green belt, a few kilometres inland along the coast and covers a total area of 13,300,000ha (Akinnagbe, 2001).
This forest is particularly important because it is one of the most species rich in Africa. The tropical rainforest is the most diverse of all terrestrial ecosystems, containing more plant and animal species than any other biome. (Sarumi et al., 1996) identified over 4,600 plant species in Nigeria. The tropical rainforest tree species are endemic, rare …show more content…

REDD+ means reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries; and the responsibility of conservation, sustainable management of forests and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries UNFCCC Decisions 1/CP.13; 2/CP.13 and