The Importance Of Water Resources

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It is hardly essential to state that water is one of the most important renewable resource, having no substitute, necessary for the existence of life, development of society and vital for the environment. However, this vital resource is somewhere surplus and somewhere in scarce quantity, and is very unequally distributed, both in time and space. This uneven distribution of water resources is mainly due to the basin hydrology, which inturn is affected by vegetation of the area, geology, topography, soil properties climate, land use practices and spatial patterns of interactions among the different factors (Brown et al., 2005, Huang and Zhang, 2004).
In developing countries resource depletion and stress are major growing problems. Due to lack of proper infrastructure, management and sophisticated technology these countries are recognized for their poor economics and poverty (Cohen, 2006). Moreover due to their rapid population growth they adversely affect the natural resources and local ecosystem. As the consequence of population growth development increases, which in turn reduces the land and resource availability, that are required to meet the increased demand for basic necessaries like fuel food and building material (Dutta, 1995).
The fastest growing cities of the world are mostly characterized by poor water infrastructure and waste water treatment facilities (Huang and Xia, 2001). As the rate of extraction of fresh water increased for agriculture, drinking and other