Wind Power Essay

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Wind is a very powerful source of energy that has being used for thousands of years. The world has being using wind power since the Egyptian’s used wind to propel their boats on the river Nile in 5000 B.C.
“In 5000 B.C., the Egyptians used saris made of bundled reeds to propel their boats up and down the Nile, and later to fan out across the Mediterranean.” (J vogel, 2005).
It has been a big part of history and things would have been much different if not for this technology. Like all technology it develops and becomes greater. Today about 7000 years later it is powering roughly 179 GW of the world’s power (2010), and it continues to grow annually.
Market development
Wind power has a huge market growth because wind power does not produce …show more content…

“(A Vaissière 2014)

Electromagnetic fields
Due to the increase and development of offshore wind farms the number of electric underwater cables is getting greater. There are different types of cables associated with a wind farms, such as transformer to shore transmissions and array to transformer. The electric current running through these cables is causing concern on how the fishes are influenced. “Studies have shown that there are fish species that are magneto-sensitive using geomagnetic field information for the purpose of orientation. This implies that if the geomagnetic field is locally altered it could influence spatial patterns in fish.” (M. Öhman et al, 2007)
There are also different aspects to consider such as the physiological side, especially when it comes to species that are less inclined to move and the risk could be persistent in that area. There are studies to illustrate that some fish could be affected by the magnetic fields but there is limited evidence to prove this completely at the moment. (Petersen, J. K. and T. Malm.

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