The Incomparable Life Of Pi

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The novel that I have chosen for my summative task is the incomparable Life of Pi, written by Yann Martel. Life of Pi is about the awe inspiring journey of Piscine Molitor Patel, and the events leading up to it. The novel is divided into three very separate, but equally important sections. Part one touches on subjects such as Pi’s family and his schooling, but it mainly focuses on Pi’s religious beliefs. Pi is born a Hindu; then, at the age of fourteen he discovers Jesus and Catholicism; finally, at fifteen he also adds Islam to his repertoire. This section makes a point of showing the reader that Piscine is very inquisitive, joyful, and an all-around wonder of a human being. However, things are not so swell in India; Martial law has been …show more content…

They are on their way to Canada. Part two is where the bulk of the story occurs. Midway through the pacific ocean, the ship encounters a tropical storm and sinks. The only survivors are Pi and a menagerie of animals: an injured zebra, a hyena, OJ the orangutan that recently lost her son, and a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker. Pi and these animals are now all occupants of a 26-foot-long lifeboat. Before long, The hyena ends up killing the zebra and OJ, which causes Richard Parker to stir and kill the hyena. After a while Richard Parker and Pi manage to work out an uneasy living arrangement: Pi keeps Richard Parker alive and in exchange, Richard Parker does not kill Pi. Slowly, Pi learns to train RIchard Parker until he is basically master of the lifeboat and Richard Parker. Although he’s proven to have great survival skills and sharp instincts, Pi is often despondent over his recent loss of family and familiarity. Eventually, Pi meets another castaway. At first the two were having idle and friendly conversation, but then the castaway attacks Pi and attempts to eat him. Unfortunately for him, the Castaway was unaware that Pi was not alone, and ends up being eaten by Richard …show more content…

Unfortunately, they cannot make this island their new home for the island is carnivorous and becomes acidic in the nighttime. After stocking up on some lemurs, Pi and Richard Parker push off into the pacific again. Part two comes to an end when Pi and Richard Parker drift ashore in in Mexico. Richard Parker bounds into the jungle without so much as a goodbye and Pi is rescued by some locals. Part three is the shortest, but most awesome part of the story. Two agents for the Japanese Maritime Department in the Ministry of Transport interview Pi to try and shed some light on the mysterious sinking of the ship.Unfortunately, they do not get any information that aids in solving the mystery, but they do get to hear Pi’s fantastical story. However, they question the more implausible portions of Pi's story. So, Pi decides to tell them a different, more plausible story. He removes all the animals from his story and instead replaces them with humans. The injured zebra become an injured sailor, the son-less orangutan becomes his mother, the hyena becomes a french cook and Richard Parker becomes Pi. The novel ends leaving the reader questioning which story to