The Influence Of Alcoholism In The United States

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Alcoholism, also known as alcohol dependence, is a disease. A test in twenty-thirteen revealed that eighty-seven percent of people over the age of eighteen have tried alcohol, because of this alcohol abuse is the dominant disease by drug use and in teenagers, it is the most commonly abused drug. This dependence is the cause of death of eighty-eight thousand people a year, the third highest cause of death in the United States. (11 Facts About Alcohol Abuse) This disease often goes unrecognized due to the very few symptoms it displays, such as tolerance and withdrawal. There are several things that affect why a person begins to drink such as their genetics, the people they hang around, and even the culture they live in. Many people believe that …show more content…

Although the minimum drinking age is eighteen, minors aging from twelve to twenty represent eleven percent of all alcohol consumed. (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) A test in twenty-thirteen revealed that six-hundred and ninety-seven thousand children aged twelve to seventeen suffered from alcohol abuse. Of those minors, the children who begin drinking before the age of fifteen are up to five times more likely to develop alcohol dependence. Nearly four out of every five students has tried alcohol at least once before graduating high school. In today’s culture you can purchase alcohol almost anywhere. A survey was done on high school seniors presenting how available they thought alcohol was, the results showed they thought they had a ninety-five percent chance of getting alcohol. (Drinking Facts) Minors are more exposed by this than in past years. They see people drinking on television, at restaurants, and even at sport games. Students are taught the dangers of unsafe sex and drugs, but never of alcohol and therefore are unaware of the problems it can cause the mind and body. Growing up unaware of the dangers forces the students to be vulnerable to alcoholism. Approximately ten percent, or seven million, children in the United States live in a household where at least one parent has a drinking problem. (Alcohol Facts and Statistics) Growing up around the constant drinking …show more content…

It goes directly into the bloodstream, which is the reason it affects almost every bodily system. Long term alcohol abuse affects all parts of the body and its functioning. It is one of the leading causes for dementia, strokes, and neuropathy. Alcoholism also leads to several mental illnesses such as severe depression, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts and actions. Besides the physical problems that alcohol presents, it also causes a multitude of social problems. People who suffer from alcohol abuse are known for their loss of jobs and long periods of unemployment. They also have several family problems such as divorce and child mistreatment. Alcoholism is also the leading cause of death involving bodily accidents. People who are dependent on alcohol are more likely to be involved in vehicular accidents due to intoxication. In fact, about one half of all fatal traffic accidents among people aged eighteen to twenty-four are due to alcohol. (Drinking Facts) They are also more likely to experience injuries such as falling, drowning, or