
The Influence Of Big Brother In 1984 By George Orwell

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Perhaps the most portentous endeavours one might face is that of which one might have created for themselves. This statement shows how one might be able to control their own future without strings attached, unless control goes undetected. George Orwell’s dystopian novel, 1984--written in 1949 after World War II when the world was devastated by the atrocities millions of people suffered at the hands of totalitarian governments-- is still apt in modern society. In his fictionous novel, Orwell creates a sense of an overpower government in the control of “Big Brother,” who which today just might be a mere reality. Although humanity might not be completely under the control of this ruler, society is facing the most modern terminology, and that is …show more content…

The power of Big Brother lies within the government or appointee of a civilization. In Orwell’s novel, Big Brother represents the overpower and leadership of Oceania. Little Brother on the other hand lies within the hands of civilization itself. Little Brother is often said to be more powerful than Big Brother in ways of how it affects one's self. This figment often is deep within the technology one uses, tracking the digital footprint on social media and the web. He’s like a snake creeping along the line of impression and reality, unseen and undetected by most. Society is often blinded at the fact that this improvisation sometime controls the decisions that we make. So often now, civilization is influenced by the information gathered at the tap of a finger; and once that is made so, it spreads like a virus, sometimes paralyzing those in its way. Little Brother is hidden in our computers, phones, surveillance, and even more. Little Brother allows Big Brother to have what is needed. Sometimes it’s hard to comprehend the power of this dynamic duo, but with awareness society’s future might be secure without a …show more content…

The novel was alway referring to how whoever controls the past controls the future, and how Big Brother used it to the advantage. The main character, Winston Smith, works for the Ministry of Truth. In this organization the laborers must condense the past for the present in order for Big Brother to have control of the future. In modern society today one can see this situation becoming quite active. One circumstance is that of North Korea. According to Slate Online, “North Korean leader Kim Jong Un showed his potential from brutality, executing his second in command in what’s thought to be a political purge in Pyongyang...Now North Korean media are going one step further and erasing Thaek’s existence in their news archives” (Slate 1, 3). What this article is implying, is that Kim Jong Un could be presented as a Big Brother figure. He is erasing all the known evidence of Thaek’s presence, which can be viewed in the mass media, or “Little Brother.” Another source might be of that of Apple’s situation with the government. The company’s possession of technology to link with the public's’ personal technology has caught the US government’s eye. But Apple has denied their request (Jamieson 1).In this aspect of mere reality, one can see how “Big Brother” can influence and change the past to control the

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