1984 Big Brother

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Big brother which was once a fantasy now becomes a reality in our generation thanks to the advancements in our technology. Big brother is a all knowing god like character in the book 1984 that has become a reality in the form of the NSA. Organizations like the NSA can see our conversations, photos, and other sensitive information that we hold personal to our self. The involvement of technology with our life causes us to go closer to the world of big brother because of advanced features we have like a GPS in our phone, and cameras that are in every corner, replicating our world to the world in 1984. We are trying our best to stop organizations like the NSA from spying on our citizens but it seems like it's not enough. Laws have been discussed …show more content…

Edward Snowden was the person that leaked over 10,000 documents over the internet, some say he was a hero and some say he was a traitor. The one thing we do know is that because of him we know that the government is always watching us just like big Brother. In the book 1984 Big Brother was a party meaning multiple people created him as one character which is similar to the NSA . In the book it is stated “ It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself – anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide”. It’s clear how dangerous it was to have a opinion in the book and It seems that we are heading towards that future because of the lack of privacy. The NSA claims that it is necessary for them to monitor all citizens in order to stop a terror attack or any other dangerous activities but statistics show only one potential terror attack was prevented thanks to extensive surveillance of citizens. The NSA says that they want to protect the citizens of the United States but they really don't do much, making the surveillance unnecessary yet it happens …show more content…

Many smartphones collect data without the holder even knowing. Speaking from personal experience my smartphone already know the direction of my house without me even inputting that data into it. This is another piece of information that my phone knows that my friends don't even know which puts my home address available to the NSA. In the article written by Peter Maas and Megha Rajagopalan for the New York Times it states “Every year, private companies spend millions of dollars developing new services that track, store and share the words, movements and even the thoughts of their customers”. An example of this can be the online shopping website Amazon. This website recommends products of interest to consumers without them inputting the data manually which is another personal part of a person that organizations like NSA can