Compare And Contrast Confucianism Daoism And Legalism

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During the Period of the Warring States, three schools of thoughts emerged. Because of the chaos and confusion of this period many individuals searched principles that would restore the political order. It is then that Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism emerged and provided a deep influence on Political and Chinese traditions. Rulers from several region states adopted elements of the Legalist program. The Qin state in western China soon dominated its neighbors and enacted a centralized imperial rule throughout China.
The first school of thought to emerge is Chinese thinker Kong Fuzi or commonly known as Confucius. Confucius was described as cranky with a bad temper, he also feels indifferent toward the state policies. Thus, resulted in him not advancing politically When he realized that he would never be promoted to a higher position he traveled all throughout northern China. He served as an educator, and political advisor throughout his career attracting disciples along the way who believed in his teachings. Eventually, his work got compiled by some of his pupils in which they called the Analects. His work inspired Chinese political and cultural traditions. …show more content…

Unlike Confucianism, the Daoists think it is futile to sit and idle about things that don’t offer any solution. Instead, they dedicated their time to reflect and try to understand the natural principles. The Daoists believed that this will bring harmony to society and would end to concern on things they can’t understand or control. Laozi founded Daoism during the sixth century according to Chinese tradition. The basic beliefs and composition of Daoism are compiled in a book known as Daodejing (Classic of the Way and of Virtue). Daoists believed they should not participate in competitions and active events of the world. Wuwei says that individuals should live simple lives and be one with