The Influence Of The Progressive Movement

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The Progressive Era was a time of widespread reforms across the U.S. Progressive means a group, person, or idea favoring or implementing social reforms or new, liberal ideas. Presidents Theodore Roosevelt, W. Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson were the three presidents whose actions and decisions influenced the Progressive Era, along with many muckrakers and everyday people out for change. To a certain extent, the progressive movement was successful in reforming political, social, and economic ills of society. Political changes during this era helped get people more involved with their government and make sure it was running properly. First cities reforming, such as Mayor Samuel M. Jones in Toledo, Ohio who improved municipal services, set a minimum wage and opened schools for children. Then whole states began to follow the lead. Governor Charles Evans Hughes in New …show more content…

In the political aspect, citizens were given more say in their government, allowing for less corruption and bosses. In the social aspect, women were given more freedoms and the public's health was put as a higher priority. In the economic aspect, income taxes help disperse the the wealth to government funded programs while antitrust acts stopped monopolies before they were too big to stop. All in all, these things still affect people today. Citizens have even more say in government today because it does help stop some bosses and corruption. Almost all women vote now, are able to own land and can even hold the same prestigious jobs that men do. The stigma that women should only be in the household has been almost completely defeated. Although food safety has gotten better, we still need the Pure Food and Drug Act to protect the foods eaten everyday. Income taxes are even more prevalent today due to more federal programs such as welfare and WIC. Without the Progressive Era, America would not be the nation it is