The Informative Essay: The Role Of Athena In Ancient Greece

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She was known for protecting civilized life, she was the goddess of the city. To some sources, Athena was praised for her compassion and generosity. Athena served as a guardian of Athens, where the Parthenon served as her temple. Zeus trusted to wield the aegis and his thunderbolt. Her most important festival was the panathenaea, which celebrated annually at Athens. She is referred to in poetry as “grey-eyed”. Athena reared ericthonius, son of Hephaestus. He was half man, half serpent. Athena put the infant in a chest and gave it to others to watch over, forbidding them to open it. When they did she drove them mad as punishment. She is one of three virgin goddesses, the other two were Hestia and Artemis. Athena invented the flute, but she never

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