Essay On Openness Of Internet

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"The Internet: a tool of the 20th century. It is a tool that has been part of people_Ñés everyday lives for as long as we can possibly remember. We use it without realizing- we talk with our friends over the net, we work over the net, and we schedule appointments, apply for jobs, and do a myriad of other things using this tool that has been conferred upon us. And it is possibly one of the most powerful forces on this earth- for what would we do without it? And since the Internet exists in the first place, there has to be regulations over it, right? No, there does not.
Except for the most extreme of cases where the safety and security of nations are concerned, the Internet should be left free and open. The nature of the net is to be unbiased …show more content…

However, being unhampered and democratic on its own terms is what makes the Internet such a highly debated topic. And if any of us think about what this tool has done for us, would it not be hypocritical to deprive future generations of the instrument of edification that has developed our civilization, as we know it. Again, one must consider the future implications of a business controlled net, without the principle of free speech and expression, protected by Net Neutrality? As such, the Internet should not be restrained until there are concerns that impact the safety of human lives, and even then, such actions might adhere to the right side of a thin line; for this subject is dealing with the regulation of a force that has built and currently controls the 20th century that we know. The neutrality of the net is like freedom. It must be fought for with every passing generation in order to preserve it for the next. And now, thanks to the December 14th ruling of 2017, this precious principle is in grave danger. But even if the battle may be a dangerous, uphill conflict, the nature of the Internet has to be preserved and guarded against those who would take it