The Journey In Kira Salek's Journey

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Neil Armstrong once said, “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” What he said has wondered the minds of millions for decades, but what he meant has finally sunk in. Armstrong wanted people to know that the length of a journey isn’t important, but the idea of a journey is what matters in the end. When someone says that they are going on a journey that could mean a number of things. It could mean that they want to go to the library or that they want to find awareness. Overall, a journey could be about how someone deals or sees the world or how someone travels and communicates with the world. Characters often want to go on journeys to challenge their limits and what they know about the world; at least, that’s what Kira Salek from …show more content…

There were many times when Salek felt as if she should give up but instead, she pushed herself and made the journey. Salek felt the reader should know her views before explaining her journey. She states, “I used to avoid stripping myself down in search of motivation, scared of what I might uncove,r scared of anything that might suggest a taint of pathological,” (Salek 60-63). The evidence previously stated how even though Salek is prepared to face the river and journey she is still in fear of finding something that might indicate herself as mentally insane. During all the travels and Journeys Salek has endured, she has noticed a kind of pattern that occurs. Salek starts off by saying, “The trip begins and the hardship comes, and the hardship is more honest: it tells us that we don’t have enough patience yet, nor humility, nor gratitude,” … ”So I’ve told the world that it can do what it wants to me during this trip if only by the end, I have learned something more,” (Salek 119-125). The result of Kira Salek going on the journey is grasping the idea that she can push herself to extremes she didn’t even realize she was prepared