The Kite Runner: A Short Story

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When Ams, Claeb, and Dynsey reached the gate, they were stopped by the guard. The guard asked them, “Now where are you three off too?” Dynsey said, “It is royal matter that you have no business interfering in.” The guard said, “I have been given strict instruction to not let anyone in the royal family out of the castle.” Dynsey said, “Well how would you feel if I were to say that the prince snuck out right past you and is in trouble. Now let us through!” The guard’s face went pale. He said, “I will come with you. I will not another member of the royal family get in trouble.” Claeb said, “Then follow me!” They exited then the guard closed and locked the gate behind them. Claeb took the lead running towards town. When they reached the section of road near the woods, …show more content…

Claeb said, “The man with his back to us is the one who took interest in my sister. Socnar is in danger now.” They continued to listen to the conversation. “I think that the prince should be killed! He is in the way of me taking the girl to be my wife!” said the man closest to them. “No, he should be kept alive and held for ransom. We will be able to make a small fortune off of the king and queen’s love for this prince,” said a man with a long beard and a shaved head. “No we sell both of them into slavery and make a profit that way,” said a man with long scraggly hair. It was clear that these men were the leader of the group. Ams nudged Claeb and said, “Look at the shack. There must be twenty pairs of boots in front of it. We will have a losing fight on our hands if we try to rescue them now. We will have to wait until we are able to sneak up to the shack to rescue them. We need to get rid of the men outside.” Claeb said, “They are about to fight. If men like them cannot get their way, they will have a fist fight until only one is left.” As soon as Claeb said this, a fight broke out amongst the men by the first. They were punching and kicking each

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