Comparing The Kite Runner And A Thousand Splendid Suns

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Khaled Hosseini was an Afghani immigrant who belonged to Kabul, his early life was spent in Kabul and he had seen the days of peace and affluence. Hosseini enjoyed all the amenities of life since his father was a reputed diplomat. It was a pride for him to be the son of a learned mother who taught him history and culture of Persia. Hosseini learnt Persian from his mother and read Persian poetry. It is observed that Hosseini borrowed heavily from the real events of Kabul and used his imagination to give them a concrete shape in his novels The Kite Runner (2003) and A Thousand Splendid Suns occurred in Kabul. The publication of both the novels established Hosseini as a writer in world fiction as the reviews of the novels were very encouraging. …show more content…

He vividly gives a picture of society wrought with conflicts and cultural antagonism. The scenes of violence and patriarchal oppression are indeed heart rending. Hosseini has touched upon the touching scenes of innocence and betrayal depicting the disruption of values and collapse of all institutions. Love, marriage, family are shattered in both the novels and women are the main victims of sexual oppression. The novel is a typical post-colonial novel hinging upon the cultural conflicts and themes of cultural displacement. The Kite Runner gives the theme of sin and redemption and the exodus of people who were forced to leave their country because of the gun culture of the Taliban.
The third novel of Khaled Hosseini, And the Mountains Echoed is another family drama set in the rural background of a wounded Afghanistan of the 1950s reeling under the pressure of orthodox conventions and rigid patriarchal oppression. All the major protagonists of this novel suffer because of the hegemony of the Taliban. The old values are deteriorating fast in Kabul, the institutions are collapsing and there are episodes of cultural collision in the novel. Hosseini widens his vision setting the plot in Kabul,