The Korean War: The Forgotten War

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Through one of the most brutal battles of the Korean War a slogan was created that said, “Once Upon a Time Hell Froze Over. We Were There”. Despite the Korean War being the “The Forgotten War” or the “ Unknown War” because of the low publicity, it was still a war against communism that the U.S participated in. Throughout the 19th century, the Korean had been ruled by both China and Japan and when Korea had finally been liberated of outside rule, the second world war split the peninsula into two. The peninsula was split into North and South Korea. North Korea came under the rule of the Soviet Union and became communist, while on the other hand South Korea became pro-west and took democracy as their government. The Korean War was officially …show more content…

Relations between the south and north were strained even before the official start of the war. There was a conflict because of the,”. . . Soviet and American occupation policies [that] ensured polarization of politics in Korea. . .”( History Behind the Headlines, Pg 151). This literally drove the North Koreans to attack South Korea. They wanted to rid the Korean Peninsula of all western influence. The north wanted to unite the two sides, but the two sides had already established their own government so the north wanted to take the south with force because they did not cooperate with the north's government policies.. In the end, the north could neither rid the western influence nor the unification of both nations. The war officially began, “ On June 25, 1950[when] North Koreans forces surprised the South Korean army. . . and …show more content…

It separated hundreds of Korean families on both sides of the border. For both the south and north the war ended with damaged economies and infrastructure. South Korea eventually rebounded and became modernized and industrialized with the help of America. Today it is has become the a revolutionary country leads the modernized world in many ways. On the other hand, North Korea was first robust, but their economy went into turmoil in the 1990s. South Korea became revolutionary and North Korea poverty stricken. Many countries like the US, Soviet Union Japan, and China were affected by the end of the war. In America, “ One of the most significant result of the Korean War was that it gave the U.S reason to increase it

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