
The Lasting Impact Of The Abolitionist Movement

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The “None of us will ever forget” about 9.11. Yes, this is shocking, thank goodness for people willing to help. Social Movement is a problem in society that brings people together to fix problems. Social Movement is important because it helps us protest and the idea of expression of those who are disenfranchised. Social Movements help people make their voices heard and bring their own positions into society. Slavery was a problem in the United States during the 1800’s, the Abolitionist Movement came together to solve this problem with the help of American reformer, Fredrick Douglass. The Abolitionist Movement started because people didn’t like the rights and laws they had in the United States. The problem and challenges the Abolitionists Movement had were fugitive slaves, which made it harder for slaves to to …show more content…

One goal the Abolitionists wanted was to have their rights and to be free. The lasting impact of the Abolitionist Movement was many new laws that gave African Americans the rights they deserved. For example, in 1830, Congress added the 15 amendment to the Constitution which states, the right of citizens of the United States, to vote shall not be denied to any American male citizens. The Abolitionist movement started because they wanted to end slavery and to get rid of it forever. The 1 reformer that joined the Abolitionist Movement was Frederick Douglass. Freidrick Douglass joined the Abolitionist Movement after finding employment as a laborer. Douglass began to attend abolitionists meetings and spoke about his experience, and was paid to speak about his slavery life. Douglass was an African American Abolitionist, who escaped slavery. When Douglass helped slaves and through his work of the Underground Railroad, Douglass saved at least 400 slaves with his wife. Douglass just didn;t work with his wife; he worked with other reformers that

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