The Libation Bearers Essay

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In this paper I will discuss Aeschylus’ The Libation Bearers. Close reading reveals that Electra is Orestes’ manifestation of a Fury. This thesis will be demonstrated through the analysis of passages through the lens of the following principles of close reading: anomaly and parallel stories. To prove this theory, the play needs to give evidence to Electra being a manifestation of Orestes, and sharing the same characteristics as a Fury in the context of the work as a whole. In this case, her parallel story with Orestes, and the anomaly of their physical similarities gives evidence to the former. To the latter cause, we look at the parallels between Electra’s desire for revenge in comparison with the Furies, and her strange character interaction with Orestes and Pylades. …show more content…

Notice how not only does she have the same story as Orestes explains later in the play, (“Disgraced me, sold me, a freeborn father’s son…I am ashamed to mention [the price, Aegisthus] in public” (p. 218; 902-904), ) but Electra also claims to have been drifting like a vagrant, a wanderer, just as Orestes has. Following that up, she also has the same hesitation Orestes faces later. “How can I ask the gods for [Clytemnestra’s death] and keep my conscience clear?” (p.182; 123-124), in comparison with Orestes’ statement, “What will I do, Pylades? –I dread to kill my mother” (p.217; 886). After the Leader’s and Pylades’ reassurance respectively, both make the same ultimate decision. “Kill the killers in return, with justice!” (p.183; 148-149) said by Electra, and “Die!-Go down with him forever!” (p.217; 892-893) said by