The Christological Temporal Cycle

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The Liturgical Year has two cycles: the Christological temporal cycle —around Christ—; and the cycle of the saints —dedicated to the Virgin and the saints—. In turn, the Christological temporal cycle has two cycles: the Christmas cycle, which begins with the time of Advent and culminates with the Epiphany; and the Paschal cycle, which begins with Ash Wednesday, Lent, Holy Week, Easter Triduum and culminates with Pentecost Sunday.
The Christmas cycle begins at the end of November or the beginning of December, and includes: Advent, Christmas, Epiphany.
Advent is the time of joyful waiting, for the Lord comes. The great figures of Advent are Isaiah, John the Baptist, and Mary. Isaiah fills us with hope in the coming of Christ, which will bring …show more content…

Lent, it is a time of conversion, of prayer, of penance and of almsgiving. No Glory or Alleluia is sung. These hymns of joy are kept in the heart for the Easter season. It is advisable to pray the Via Crucis every day or, at least, on Fridays, to unite ourselves to the Lord’s passion and in reparation, for sins.
Holy Week and Easter Triduum: time to accompany and join the suffering Christ who goes up to Jerusalem to be condemned and die for us. It is time to read the passion of Christ, described by the Gospels, and thus to be tuned into the same feelings of Jesus Christ, to enter into his heart and to accompany him in his pain, asking for forgiveness for our sins. These days are not days to go to beaches or mundane diversions. It is a Holy Week to live it in our churches, together with the Christian community, participating in the divine services, praying and meditating the mysteries of our salvation: Christ suffers, suffers and dies for us to save us and reconcile us with his Father and thus earn us the heaven that was closed, because of sin, of our …show more content…

It is the victory of Christ over death, hatred, sin. It lasts seven weeks; within this time the Ascension is celebrated, where Christ returns to the house of the Father, to give an account of his fulfilled mission and to receive from the Father the reward of his fidelity. At Pentecost, the Church comes out and becomes a missionary, carrying the message of Christ throughout the world.
The Sanctoral cycle is dedicated to the Virgin and to the saints: each one of the Saints is a masterpiece of the grace of the Holy Spirit. This is what Pope John XXIII said in his address on June 5, 1960. Therefore, to celebrate a saint is to celebrate the power and love of God, manifested in that creature. The Saints have already achieved what we desire. This worship is pleasing to God, for we recognize what He has done with these men and women who lent themselves to His