The Logy Street Monster Squad: A Short Story

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The Boogie Street Monster Squad
There’s a Monster in Our School
Go to the end of your street and board the Scare City school saucer. Keep your tentacles inside!
Pick up the students in Orbit and reenter the atmosphere.
Beam aboard the kids in Tomb Town and then . . .
You’ll be at Scare City Elementary school.
There’s nothing special about Scare City Elementary School, so you might as well go to your own school. But if you do venture to Scare City Elementary, you’ll not find any monsters there . . .
The Boogie Street Monster Squad has made sure of that! “A monster? . . . At school?” Marty’s eyes grew wide.
“Yes!” exclaimed Nellie. “I’ve got our gear!” Benny yelled. “Where’s the monster?! It’s Mr. Merlin, the chemistry teacher, isn’t …show more content…

Merlin’s not a monster,” said Marty.
“He sure acts like one,” Benny said. “Only to you and that’s because you broke all his beakers Benny Bigfoot,” said Nellie. “Whirrr flirrr beep,” said Felicia.
“That’s right, Felicia, it’s Sammy,” Nellie said.
“My cousin Sammy?” Benny was stunned.
“Sammy Sasquatch is the biggest bully in school!” said Nellie. “He told me I’ve been out of the water too long and my brain’s dried up. Then he untied my bow.”
“So. You told me my mouth was bigger than my feet,” said Benny.
“That’s different,” said Nellie.
“How’s that different?” asked Benny.
“Because that’s true,” Nellie said.
“Guys!” said Marty, “Sometimes we might say or do things we don’t mean, but Sammy takes it too far.” “Guess we don’t need our stuff then.” Benny started to put their monster hunting gear in his locker.
“Wait, Benny. I have an idea,” said Marty. “Nellie, you called Sammy a monster? Who better to stop a monster than the Boogie Street Monster Squad! Let’s use our gear to …show more content…

“Then stop untying my bow,” Nellie fussed.
“And my shoes,” added Marty.
“Quit playing keep-away with my homework,” Benny said.
Bleeep clickity twirl ack!” Felicia complained.
“From now on I’m going to be a better friend,” Sammy promised.
The next day, Sammy asked his friends and family how to not be a bully.
“Treat others like you want to be treated,” his mother said.
“Your words and actions matter,” his classmates told him.
“Make good choices,” Principal Wildman said.
“You’re my nephew, don’t bully the other kids!” Uncle Yeti Growled. “Now, how about some ice cream?” In time, Sammy became a true friend. “Sammy, I didn’t know you were so funny,” Marty said.
“Click whirl blurr,” Felicia agreed.
Sammy flashed a big smile. “Thanks guys.”
“Hey gang!” Benny called as Nellie and he walked up.
“Oh no!” Sammy said, taking a pair of sunglasses from his backpack.
“Why are you putting on sunglasses?” Marty asked.
“Because of Nellie,” Sammy said.
Nellie looked hurt. “Because of me?”
“Yes,” said Sammy. “It’s your new hair bow – It’s very pretty, but it’s so bright I need sunglasses to look at it.”
Sammy laughed and the Boogie Street Monster Squad laughed too!

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