Teacher Efficacy In Teaching

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Teaching is the act of spreading knowledge to educate oneself. According to Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, teaching is defined as “the job or profession of a teacher”. George Brown (1975) said that teaching may also include sided activities such as giving information, encouraging, explaining and asking questions. It was said that “in philosophical terms, ‘teaching’ is a task word like ‘hunting’ or ‘fishing’ not an achievement word like ‘winning’.” (Ryle, 1949 ; Smith, 1969a). From this term, it gives the meaning of one may teach but one cannot be sure of whether the students will learn what he wants them to learn. A person can be drawn to the profession of teaching for various reasons and one of it is their love for teaching. For those …show more content…

It is related to positive teaching behaviours and student outcomes. Teacher efficacy can be defined in numerous ways, such as “the extent to which teachers believe they can affect students learning” (Dembo & Gibson, 1994 : 4); “teachers belief in their ability to have a positive effect on student learning” (Ashton, 1985 : 142); and “a teacher’s belief that he or she can reach even the most difficult students and help them learn” (Woolfolk, 1998 : 393). Another definition of teacher efficacy beliefs as defined by Tschannen-Moran, Woolfolk, & Hoy (1998 : 233) is “the teacher’s belief in his or her capability to organize and execute courses of action required to successfully accomplish a specific teaching task in a particular context”. Gorrell and Capron (1990) highlighted that “it is important to fill a sense of efficacy in those who are being prepared (teacher trainee) to ensure that they have confidence to attempt to apply their knowledge when the appropriate time comes”. Teacher efficacy is very important and it was corroborated by Morin and Welsh (1991) who stated that “an educator with high teaching efficacy will engage in activities that promote the development of competencies. Whereas teachers with low efficacy may void engaging in those …show more content…

Classroom management as defined by Wikipedia, is a term teachers use to describe the process of ensuring that classroom lessons run smoothly despite disruptive behaviour by students. Parkay and Standford (1992) stated in their book Becoming A Teacher, Second Edition; “the key to preventive discipline is excellent planning and understanding of group dynamics. In addition, teachers who have mastered the essential teaching skills have fewer discipline problems because students recognize that such teachers are prepared, well organized, and have a sense of purpose. They are confident of their ability to teach all students, and their task-oriented manner tends to discourage most classroom management