The Many Worlds Interpretation Of Parallel Universe

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When einstein proposed his theory of black holes no one believed in it not even einstein himself. However, as the time moved forward we have discovered that the theory was true. With time come new discoveries and new concepts, so what if the concept of parallel universes can be real one day as well?
When we hear the word parallel realities we usually think of movies such as “donnie darko” and “the matrix” In other words all that comes to mind is the pop culture fiction. However, what are parallel realities really? And what's the science behind them?
There are numerous different interpretations of parallel realities, such as, Many Interacting Worlds (MIW), The String Theory, Many Worlds Interpretation (MWI) which is the most widely spread …show more content…

The vector never collapses meaning the reality as a whole is a deterministic system, which means there is no randomness involved. This reality is not just our reality since the outcome we get in our reality is random. Evidently, it is talking about the many realities put together, that makes a deterministic system. Jeffrey Barrett (1998) in his article about hugh everett's theory includes a quotation form DeWhitt and Graham's paper (1973) written about Hugh Everett's The Many Worlds Interpretation Of Quantum Mechanics.
“The state vector decomposes naturally into orthogonal vectors, reflecting a continual splitting of the universe into a multitude of mutually unobservable but equally real worlds, in each of which every good measurement has yielded a definite result and in most of which the familiar statistical quantum laws hold” (qtd. In Barrett)
The next theory I am going to discuss is more appealing to me rather than the previous …show more content…

Energy in the universe gave rise to repulsive gravity which caused it to extend further, this brings us to the concept of the dark energy. According to this concept, the space is extending despite gravity. Physicists proposed that there is a force which contradicts gravity and named it dark energy, due to the fact that it is hidden form the direct detection. In other words, the space has a property which can drive space apart extending it further. (Wolchover) So if the space is expanding constantly and we only have this set amount of particle configurations again at some point it might repeat