Comet Of Biela Research Paper

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Why didn’t the captain take his logbook with him and why was the steering wheel not secured? This is a question that could give some useful answers. Why were they in such a hurry? And why was there no time for Briggs to get his logbook? It was never seen before that the logbook was still untouched in the cabin of the cabin and above all it was against all sailor traditions. Some say that the Mary Celeste noticed the Comet of Biela. This comet discovered in 1826 by Wilhem Von Biela in 1846 broke into two pieces. One piece came close in October 1871 and came down to the Earth. As a result, there were several stone rains. This hypothesis assumes that the Mary Celeste, which could be in the area nearby, also could have noticed this Comet. The …show more content…

The 9 barrels that were found empty, could have leaked. Those 9 were more flammable than the rest of the barrel. When they found out that those barrels were leaking, Briggs thought it was too dangerous to stay on board, so he ordered the crew to go into the lifeboats. The plan was to wait behind the Mary Celeste, the boat connected to the Mary Celeste with ropes, but the ropes snapped and the crew went into the open sea. Eventually, the cargo of the ship didn’t explode and the Mary Celeste remained intact. Secondly, there could have been heavy weather. The captain thought it would be safer to go into the lifeboat and connected the boats to each other. The weather was getting better, but in the meantime the crew floated away on their boat. The Mary Celeste remained intact, with broken ropes hanging over the side. So the boat was still intact after Morehouse found the Mary Celeste, because maybe the crew thought the boat would explode, the crew went into a lifeboat and drifted away from the Mary Celeste, which didn’t explode eventually. Or there could have been heavy weather and the crew would also have drifted away from the Mary