The Meaning Of The Word Disagree Essay

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What does the word disagree mean? To some it means to not have the same opinion as another person while some people think the word means to hate. The word disagree actually means to fail to agree or to differ in opinion. In no way is the word hate mentioned at all in the definition. Disagreement is usually seen as a negative term to use to say that two parties had an argument over something which is true, but it also means to have a lack of agreement or for there to be unlikeliness. The word hate has a whole different definition than disagree. To hate means to dislike intensely or passionately and to feel extreme aversion for or extreme hostility. Words that are synonyms to the word hate are horror, hostility, pain, loathing, and antagonism. Not once is the word disagree mentioned as a synonym for hate. Hate is also not included in the synonyms for disagree instead there’s words like contradict, differ, and diverge. Just because disagree doesn’t mean hate though doesn’t mean people don’t use hateful forms of disagreement. Wars are …show more content…

Some people like green more than blue, the sun more than the moon, and long hair more than short hair. These are all small disagreements that usually don’t cause conflicts to arise. When you get the topics of abortion, anything relating to LGBT, politics, and women's rights then hateful disagreements tend to rear their heads. Just because someone doesn’t agree with gay marriage for instance doesn’t mean they’re going to say or do anything negative towards people who are gay or do support gay marriage. It’s when people start saying that all gay people go to hell or that the are an abomination is when it starts to become a problem. When someone isn’t judging the other party for what they believe in and just not seeing eye to eye with it then it’s not hateful it’s just having a differing