The Merits And Menace Of Mercantilism

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Unit 1 Chapter 7 The Road to Revolution The Americans had troubles complying with the new British control after the Seven Years War; they wouldn’t pay necessary funds and also had a growing sense of national identity The Deep Roots of Revolution The Americans had a world that they could make their own, thus upraising nationalistic ideas Republicanism: citizens surrendered their selfish demands for the greater good Opposed aristocracy and monarchy ”Radical Whigs”: warned people to be aware of government corruption and to resist that corruption Americans had grown into a country accustomed to running it’s own affairs, so when the British came in 1763 to get a better hold over their colonies, Americans resisted The circumstances of colonial …show more content…

Navigation Laws were passed (1650) to keep outside commerce away from America (no competition) Money shortages occurred in the colonies due to the uneven purchasing of goods between Britain and America (Gold and Silver bullions) & paper currency was depreciated Colonists bought more from Britain than they sold there, is the difference had to be made up for in cash Britain had a veto on American laws, and although it wasn’t used very often Americans hated it The Merits and Menace of Mercantilism Mercantilism (pre 1763) wasn’t too bad In theory the British mercantile system seemed thoroughly selfish and deliberately oppressive Americans got benefits: ship parts were paid for, tobacco= British monopoly, protection by the British army…… NO COST Annoying things about it: America had to depend on Britain (economic initiative) felt like they were trapped in economic adolescence and couldn’t “grow up” Revolution broke out, as Roosevelt said because Britain failed to recognize an emerging nation when he saw one The Stamp Tax Uproar Britain was in great debt (140 million) from protecting the Americas in the 7 Years War, so it wanted to justify their relationship Emerged from the Seven Year’s War holding one of the biggest empires in the …show more content…

2 soldiers were guilty of manslaughter, but were later released after being branded The Seditious Committee of Correspondence British acts were not following through. King George III (1770) was attempting to assert the power of the British monarchy.. good man but bad ruler- surrounded himself with “yes men” (LORD NORTH) Townshend Acts failed to produce revenue & non importation acts were hurting the British Sam Adams organized the committees of correspondence (first in 1772, but later they were in 80 different towns) Function: spread resistance and British opposition Evolved in America’s first congresses Tea Brewing in Boston The dispute over tea taxes finally settled down, but then the British East India Company faced bankruptcy and had 17 million pounds of unsold