Shooting An Elephant Cultural Analysis

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Differences in culture stem from different issues and differences that each one has. Each culture don’t always agree with one another. Each culture being different is normally based on the region and what group of people that they grew up with. People in India are going to be different then someone raised in America because of different values in each country and how issues are treated in one country as opposed to another. Sometimes skin color does play a part in the differences in culture examples of this are seen in George Orwell’s short story “Shooting an Elephant”. Orwell is born in Bengal, India in the so the assumption would be that he blends in with the people but, he doesn’t actually it’s the complete opposite the people in Burma hate …show more content…

The multiple differences between cultures can be shown through the Declaration of Independence and how the colonists felt, as the people in Burma feel that they are being treated unfairly in “Shooting an Elephant”. The circumstances separate cultures are faced with make situations they may be faced with unique. During the time the Declaration of Independence was written England was a very different place from the U,S even now both the U.S and Britain are completely different from one another. For George Orwell even though he was sympathetic to the culture of the people in Burma he was still treated like an outsider because of Orwell’s ancestry. The circumstances that have created the divide between Britain and the U.S are the treatment of the colonists by the King of England. “For cutting off our trade with all parts of the world” also the colonists grievances continue later in the Declaration of Independence”For imposing taxes on us without our consent”. The U.S felt that Britain cutting off their trade and imposing taxes, and tariffs was unfair and