
The Mind Of Jesus, By Martin Luther King Jr.

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There are some things that are very easy to say but extremely hard to do, and no matter how proficient you are, there will always be a gap between simple sayings and real achievements. I recalled some smart ‘Alec’ saying that if you want to be the smartest writer in the world, with the most awesome mind, then all you have to do is quite simply memorize the entire Oxford English dictionary. Give that some thought. Shakespeare is said to have possessed a working vocabulary of 25,000 words, and the Oxford English Dictionary (according to it’s 2nd edition) is comprised of some 171,000 words. So will we see someone soon who simply memorized the entire Oxford English Dictionary and thereby equipped himself with a vocabulary many times that of …show more content…

In essence, truly, this is the mind of Christ. So the mind of Christ is given at conversion, the new birth transforms the mind and equips it to imitate Jesus, but the problem is that we allow outside influences to derail us, sometimes in part and sometimes completely Here is what the Bible says: “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee.” (Isaiah 26:3) The possibility exists of straying and so we are warned “That ye be not soon shaken in mind” (2 Thessalonians 2:2) Sometimes believers say and do things that are so unlike them, so unexpected, almost as if they are not in their right mind. This is because the sanctified mind needs to be kept fully under control, and not be allowed to drift and do things …show more content…

A quote I saw recently comes to mind: “What we can or cannot do, what we consider possible or impossible, is rarely a function of our true capability. It is more likely a function of our beliefs about who we are.” – Anthony Robbins We are apt to get carried away when all around us people are going berserk, but as believers we have no room for hating each other, nor shall we join the bandwagon to besmirch and persecute people because of their religion or faith. Christians have been victims of this treatment throughout history, and have overcome, all because, as Paul reminds us, the mind makes the difference, “...we have the mind of Christ.” (1 Corinthians 2:16) One of my greatest wish is for Muslims, Hindus and other false religions, and be in no doubt they are false, to repent and turn all together to Christ. I feel most strongly that love, in all its blessed ramifications, will pave the way for such an eventuality far better than hate and persecution. It will be a wonderful day when we can regard all of God’s children as our brothers and

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