The Monster In Frankenstein In John Milton's Paradise Lost

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3 Literature Review
• The individual is bitter and disconsolate after the creature is turned away society, a lot in the similar means that Adam in “Paradise lost was turned out of the Garden of Eden. One difference, though, makes the monster a sympathetic character, especially to contemporary readers. In the biblical story, Adam causes his own fate by sinning. His creator, Victor, however, causes the creature’s hideous existence, and it is this grotesqueness that leads to the creature’s being spurned. Only after he is repeatedly rejected does the creature become violent and decides to seek revenge” (Mellor 106). This creation story is made obvious from the commencement with the epigraph from John Milton’s Paradise Lost (1667), which starts the novel

In an effort to promote his capability for human interface and thus describe his place in the social order, the individual in Frankenstein ducats himself on principles and immorality. “I read of men concerned in public affairs, governing or massacring their species. I felt the greatest ardor for virtue rise within me, and abhorrence for vice, as far as I understood the signification of those terms, relative as they were, as I applied them, to pleasure and pain alone”(125). The individual increase his own logic of principles not including the control of religious conviction or the creator mythology. His values are human and intransigent, based exclusively on the sanity of “pleasure and pain”, so far they are essential