The Multiple Causes Of The American Revolution

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The American revolution started because of multiple reasons. Most of the reasons had to do with the British, and Americans wanting to be free and have their own country and create their own laws. They also wanted the ability to vote for their leaders or who was in charge. Also the American people didn’t want to be taxed without a purpose, they called it, taxation without representation. Every thing the British did only helped themselves, so other colonies were getting cheated. The British did this because they wanted to have a lot of money. Also the British and the American people were not treated the same, the British were treated with more superiority. America wanted to make their own laws and be independent. Americans didn’t want to be told what to do by another country, but the British thought otherwise. Americans knew they couldn’t become leaders with the British in charge so they wanted to at least have Americans that were able to vote for their leaders. The British were able to create laws in Parliament outside of America these laws only benefited the British and because of this …show more content…

“The British government decided to make the American colonies pay a large share of the war debt from the French and Indian war.” This meant that the British were gonna make American colonies pay taxes. “The colonists did not like being taxed for things that had always had free. They immediately began a boycott of British goods.” The colonists hated being taxed and it came to a point where they were sick of it. They started to boycott things that the British made them pay tax for, like the Tea. And that's how the Boston tea party happened, because they were tired of getting taxed for stuff and they decided to do something about it so they threw the tea into the ocean. They didn't like getting taxed for no reason because it benefited the British and so that's where the phrase “taxation without representation” came