The Myth Of Sisyphus Response Essay

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The Myth of Sisyphus Response Questions The author, Albert Camu, emphasizes the heroic quality of Sisyphus for overcoming his punishment of repetitively pushing a boulder up a hill despite it being a never ended task. Sisyphus accomplishes this goal by being happy instead of letting his form of torture make him miserable. Despite having to do a tedious relentless task it’s possible for him to overcome the negative thoughts associated with the task. Sisyphus is able to reminisce on his previous life to be able to avoid suffering, believing the world around him is balanced as opposed to all positive or negative. Camu suggests that life will be stuck with remedial tasks, but the perspective on those tasks are what shape you as an individual not …show more content…

Sisyphus received this punishment by using secret information to try to take advantage of the god’s power. By keeping the information about the capture of Esopus he was taken from his reality and sent to the underworld to complete his task. Sisyphus life relates to ordinary life because throughout the day we are stuck with tasks that are repetitive that continue on for years. Weather it be a job, school, or basic needs people spend their days doing what is necessary even if they don’t enjoy their task. Our outlook on the tasks must be shaped sometimes resulting in a bearable atmosphere similar to Sisyphus. Camu emphasizes how suffering is possible to overcome despite not being able to change the fate. Camus suggests there will be both positive experiences as well as negative experience that can possibly lead to failure. Establishing consciousness and hope is necessary to prevent suffering a never ending task. Hope is established to have a reason to look forward to a reward to the task as opposed to letting the task break you down mentally and physically. Being aware of the thoughts behind the task and using positive thought motivated Sisyphus to avoid suffering by being in control of his own