The Negative Effects Of 9/11 On America

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2,996 people died in the 9/11 attacks (“September 11 Attacks”). The 9/11 attacks were a terrorist attack on America. One of America’s most beloved structures, the Twin Towers, was one of the main targets. This ended in a day of sorrow for America that would forever be remembered. The 9/11 attacks had a negative effect on America because they caused economic problems, racked up huge death tolls, and created problematic laws. On September 11, 2001, 19 terrorists from the Al-Qaeda terrorist organization hijacked four different commercial airplanes using box cutters and knives they smuggled through security (“September 11 Attacks”). American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the North tower at 8:46 am into the 96th floor (“What happened on September …show more content…

The North and South Towers were 2 out of 7 buildings in the World Trade Center complex and were the tallest buildings in America (source 6). They were important monuments and landmarks for America. Lots of businesses located near the Twin Towers were destroyed when the towers collapsed. “143,000 jobs were lost in New York City and 2.8 billion dollars were lost in wages” (“September 11 Attacks”). A successful economy depends on workers making money and spending money on other items. Since many people died, several job positions were lost and money was lost from the economy. This lowered America’s economy; the day after the attacks, the market fell 7.1 percent (“September 11 Attacks”). The cost of the World Trade Center was 60 billion dollars and it cost 750 million dollars to clean up the debris. The government spent a lot of money to clean up something really expensive, which lowered the economy for a period of time after the attacks occurred; a good chunk of money was taken from the government to fix up the aftermath of this deadly event. A country having a low economy leads to reduced income and wages for workers and higher unemployment rates. In conclusion, 9/11 had a devastating impact on America because it worsened America’s …show more content…

Firstly, many jobs were lost as a direct result of the attacks, and a lot of money was spent on cleaning up the debris, lowering the American economy. Furthermore, the attacks killed a lot of people including airplane passengers, workers in the Twin Towers, and first responders. Lastly, it led to the creation of problematic laws such as the Aviation and Transportation Security Act and the Patriot Act. The Aviation and Transportation Security Act led to the creation of the TSA which created a series of unnecessary and useless rules that made getting to your flight much harder and inconvenient. The Patriot Act is intrusive to American privacy and allows the government to spy on its citizens. All in all, as it says on the 9/11 memorial, “No Day Shall Erase You From the Memory of Time” (“A Look at the Museum’s Memorial