The Negative Effects Of The FDA

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The United States has an abundant amount of health organizations that’s responsible for protecting the public’s health by regulating items, restricting certain products, or simply to provide the population with helpful information to promote healthy lifestyles. The FDA is one of the most recognizable health associations that are deemed to do what exactly people expect, to protect their health. They’ve been around for over a century and everyone thinks they’ve been doing their job. In reality, that’s not the case for the most part. The FDA approves many harmful ingredients and/or products that actually are detrimental to the health. This may seem completely false to some, but this is what people need to be aware of. Even though this contradicts …show more content…

They’re often found in everyday ingredients such as: sweeteners, cigarettes, meats, produce and other non conspicuous items. People need to realize what the FDA is allowing the United States population to consume and notice the harmful effects it can take on their body.

The Food and Drug Administration is a government organization that helps keep the public health safe by regulating products used by the people. Despite origins dating back to 1848, when it was patented, the FDA was not established until 1906. Thanks to Lewis Caleb Beck, his ideas can be considered the foundation of this governmental group. This organization came along with 100 other bills with the Pure Food and Drugs Act, which all had one goal in mind: stop the abuses in consumer product marketplace. Harvey Washington Wiley was a strong advocate of protecting public health. His 1906 act passed due to his efforts on unhygienic conditions in Chicago areas. Harvey however, …show more content…

But what people don’t realize, is why does the FDA approved tobacco products despite its form for fax. Cigarettes can be considered a harmful death, each time you inhale The smoke, it increases your risk of cancer of the long, stroke, heart attack, and any respiratory disease. For lifetime smoker’s can expect to die as a result of their cigarette smoking. Due to controversy of cigarettes, nicotine vapor’s have them quite prevalent. Just the thing is no one really knows what’s in them. One man named Clive Bates, said ““If e-cigarette could take half the cigarette market then it would make huge inroads amounting to hundreds of millions of avoided premature deaths. That will be one of the biggest public health into versions of all time.” In the UK, 200,000 children age between 11 and 15 start smoking. The problem with cigarettes is the nicotine inside of them. It makes me incredibly addictive and just makes you want more. Some say that leads to why they are approved, similar to the addictive chemicals found I’m food. The more addictive products can be, the more it will be purchased. Tobacco is a huge business in the United States. Banning companies can dramatically effect the economy and the