The Negative Effects Of The Working Class In The Industrial Revolution

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The Working Class in the Industrial Revolution
The Industrial Revolution changed the world with its innovations which changed the lives of humans, how people live, work, and survive. One of the things that the Industrial Revolution impacted was the British working class. The Industrial Revolution did help people and some of its effects were positive such as giving workers stable jobs, but mostly the Industrial Revolution brought a lower standard of living for the working class. The negative effects the Industrial Revolution had on workers' lives were the inhumane working conditions, injuries they suffered, and poor living conditions. All of these negative effects outweigh the positive effects and make it a time that was terrible for the working class.
The working conditions were inhumane and unsanitary. For hours that could extend from ten to sixteen a day, many times with no breaks while working in claustrophobic areas, doing the same tedious task over and over again. (Modern World). While many workers were treated poorly, those that took more abuse than most were women and children. In coal mines women were expected to haul pounds of coal in baskets or in carts (Working Class). Children often worked with them, pushing the …show more content…

They had come to the cities looking for a better life but all they found was a job that paid them so little they had to work long hours to make ends met, forcing their children and wives to work in terrible conditions. The terrible conditions worsened their health which was only accelerated by the poor living conditions, the only conditions they could afford. The factories owners held an iron grip on these people's lives, forcing them into conditions unfit for humans only to make a profit. The Industrial Revolution changed the world but it was driven first and foremost by greed and the lives of workers were sacrificed in the march towards