
The Negative Impact Of D-Day

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9/11, the Holocaust, the Stock Market Crash and the first landing on the moon are some of the many world changing events to be remembered, and one that must not be forgotten is June 6th, 1944, the beginning of liberation of the Normandy beaches in France. D-Day, a historical event that impacted the world in more ways one could ever fathom in a world of current freedom from Nazi ruling. It was the largest naval invasion in history and helped decide the end of the war. D-Day impacted the world positive and negatively, it affected so many countries and continues to make an impact around the world today. June 6, 1944, Operation Overlord launched, resulting in thousands of Allied troops storming the German controlled beaches of Normandy under …show more content…

Montgomery. The initial beginning for Operation Overlord began in the summer of 1943 with more concrete plans falling into place in December. The Allies felt it was their responsibility to protect allied territory, to defeat and push the Germans and Axis powers back towards their territory. The Allies consisted of the Americans, the British, the Canadians and smaller commonwealth countries while the Axis power was made up of the Germans, Italians and Japanese. During the period between the beginning of the plans and D-Day itself, the Allies gathered large air force, naval, land troops and machinery in preparation for the attack (Gale, 2006. Para 1). The Allies were divided into different infantry divisions for the for the five beaches, “two American (the First and Fourth Divisions), two British (the Third and Fiftieth Divisions), and one Canadian (the Third Division)...These troops were assigned to go ashore on beaches code-named, from west to east, Utah, Omaha, Gold, Juno and Sword.” (Gale, 2014. Para 2). Two American and one British airborne division were placed at the western and eastern points of the attack zone. Due to poor …show more content…

The victory allowed the French Government to return to operation “It also allowed The Allies to gain a foothold in the northwestern portion of the continent [causing the Germans to fight a two front war]. The Normandy invasion, under Eisenhower’s direction, was the largest naval invasion in history and helped bring an end to the war” (Gale, 2014. Para 12). Fortunately the Allies were able to achieve victory on D-Day, “Had the landing at Normandy been unsuccessful, the war would likely not have ended when and in the manner it did” (Gale, 2014. Para 11). D-Day has encouraged the most popular type of journaling; live reporting. After that victorious day, journalists decided to travel with the soldiers and onto the beach where they would report live on the success of the beach landing. This style of journaling has changed the way news is reported, allowing the viewer or listener to hear a first hand report. D-Day’s results have also brought together countries post war. Celebrations have been held for the invasion ever since the war was deemed finished, now becoming a part of world politics uniting countries despite different political and cultural differences. D-Day celebrations allow countries to reflect and acknowledge the men who fought and sacrificed so much for freedom, it is day to put differences aside, “The shared

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