
The Negative Impact Of Gender Roles In Nine Days By Toni Jordan

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Societal beliefs have impacted how individuals live their everyday life, such as how they are supposed to act, speak, dress, and conduct themselves based upon their assigned sex. The novel Nine Days written by Toni Jordan (2012), follows the Westaway family during the significant moments of their lives, over the course of 70 years as they learn how to cope with the negative societal expectations that the society enforces. Societal beliefs have progressed over time, showing that traditional gender roles have modified, nuclear families are not the basis of complete families and until now war shows desirious for power.

Jordan highlights the negative impact of gender roles, suggesting that gender roles have restricted the lives of both men and …show more content…

War is a conflict between different countries that can just be resolved through ferocity, which specifies that the factors of war haven’t changed overtime. Within the novel it is evident that many individuals have “someone [they’ll] never see again,” due to their loved one’s having to fight in an international conflict. Through this Jordan suggests “that’s what war means,” “people missing,” demonstrating how war can have ruinous impact on not only those brave soldiers who attend war but also the loved ones soldiers leave behind at home hoping that ‘everything will be alright’. Similar to the world we live in there is ongoing war between Russia and Ukraine. Many brave soldiers have gone through the war due to their strong passion to save their country's rights. Despite the fact that these soldiers have a family that is left behind they still have gone through war to fulfill a responsibility to save their country. The family must have felt worried when regarding their loved ones going to war and for those whpo lost their loved ones have felt devestated because they will never see them again. Through this Jordan demonstrates how the world of the novel is similar to the world we live in today, highlighting the idea that someone needs to sacrifice themselves to protect their love once and for peace. The cause of the war hasn't changed over time, this is due to the desire for wealth and

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