
The Negative Impact Of Sexualization On Teens

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generation SeXXX -
A ‘new wave’ of promiscuous teens
The Media has it out for all adolescent teenagers, depicting them as promiscuous and over sexualised, this has within society that all teenagers are sexually active by the time they have hit a certain age in their adolescent’s years. Sam I’lachi investigates why the media perpetuate this myth.
Teenagers in modern times are perceived to have been promiscuous, in the community by the older generations, this issue has been exacerbated even with widespread access to social and mass media, because of this one-way entrance to x rated material, Young individuals of today consider this to be the norm, this issue itself has been repetition …show more content…

Professor Newman directly states that “The sexualisation of children involves the imposition of adult models of sexual behaviour and sexuality on children and adolescents at inappropriate developmental stages.” Newman, P. (2016). Social media, sexualisation and the selfie generation, [Accessed 09 March 2017].
These types of sexual behaviours are evident in magazine, tv or the various social media platforms, This Exposure to social and mainstream media contributes to teenagers defining their self-worth and popularity in terms of sexual attractiveness, with negative impact on self-esteem. The report concludes that not only had there been an unprecedented increase in the volume of sexual images, but that children were being portrayed with greater frequency in adult ways, while adult women were made to look infantile, this leads to a blurring of the lines between sexual maturity and immaturity.
Another Representation comparable to the written text by Professor Louise Newman is the photograph taken by Tom Ford for the magazine CADEAUX, the photo shows a picture of a young child that is looks to be under the age of 10 years’ old, the outfit she is wearing is ordinarily what females in their twenty's wear that is used to attract …show more content…

One visible aesthetic feature that can be seen is her facial expression, this expression can be seen as promiscuous and It effectively legitimises the notion that children can be related to as sexual objects.
Teenagers minds are being damaged by being exposed to a barrage of sexualised images and products in a society many argue is X-rated,
This is an outcome of a situation significantly incited by the media, children have been have fed a diet of sexualised images on the internet, magazines, on TV advertising and this makes these young children simply absorb this in without considering twice about it and mass exposure legitimises it.
Advertising and main stream media pressure kids by implying they’re not sexy enough and this makes teenagers feel inadequate, they pressure teenagers to be popular so they can gain credibility and attention and this is the consequence of sexually active teenagers, this can be reinforced by psychologist Michael Carr-Gregg. “Bras for kids, overtly sexual advertisements for deodorants, music video clips simulating sex acts during children's viewing times, 14-year-olds on runways, 13-year-olds on magazine covers and 10-year-olds made to look 16 in mainstream catalogues. Michael, G. (2017). Generation next, [Accessed 16 March

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