The Newt Symbolize Macbeth

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The items display what was happening in Scotland at that time. “…Scale of dragon, tooth of wolf, /Witches' mummy, maw and gulf /Of the ravin’d salt-sea shark, /Root of hemlock digg’d i' th' dark, /Liver of blaspheming Jew, …” (4, 1, 22-26) The potion is a symbol of the state of the kingdom. Literature often reflects the time period in which it was written. Toads are connected to witches. Witches had their own familiar and were unmoving in their predictions, like the rock, the toad sat under. A snake symbolizes a person who will attack or retaliate with vengeance; this is Macduff, who is attacking with vengeance towards his family’s death. A newt symbolizes a person with the ability to merge spiritual and daily life together. The newt represents …show more content…

This symbolizes Macbeth. He was tainted; yet he was strong and angry. He bore the consequences of his deed unwillingly. A tiger is aggressive and has energy and its intestines symbolize a low deed. (E. Swedenborg, I. J. Thompson) This symbolizes Macduff. Once he hears that his wife and household were killed, he has renewed energy and he wants to kill Macbeth. A baboon is immature. Blood symbolizes life force, mortality, pain, and death. This is Lady Macduff’s son. He is still young, has his whole life ahead of him, and has some fanciful ideas. However, he faces mortality, pain, and death. “He has kill’d me, mother: /Run away, I pray you!” (Act 4, Scene 2, 87-88) The yew tree symbolizes power and everlasting life. (Yew) Cuttings symbolize new life. A moon’s eclipse symbolizes immortality, eternity, and inner knowledge. This is Scotland. Scotland would gain new life under Malcolm. A hemlock is highly poisonous, yet symbolizes protection and healing. (Agnes Scott) This would symbolize the trees of Dunsinane Wood. The trees protected Macduff’s army from being seen by Macbeth. The blaspheming Jew, a Turk, and Tartar were all damned by Shakespearean society because they were