The Night She Scared Book Summary

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Hell and Back;
The Night She Disappeared

Everyone has a cause, the thing the keeps us going. It gives us the strengths and the necessity to keep going on with life. April Henry, the author of the book, did a good job at describing every detail about the book that it seem realistic. The book keeps the reader entertained and focused on the base plotting of the story. With a mystery to solve, Gabie Klug will reach the end of the line to bring back her friend.

The start of the book catches your attention from the beginning. It pulls your emotion and you can 't help but to keep reading. The author does not waste your time as she brings you the story of a kidnapping and the process of survival. The story begins with a phone call to Petes Pizza, …show more content…

Gabie was supposed to work on that Wednesday afternoon, but she had switched her days with Kayla for a special reason. The caller placed an order for three large pizzas under the name of John Robertson and requested Gabie for the delivery. Since Kayla traded days with Gabie, she had to make the delivery herself. Drew, their co-worker and friend from school took the order worked with a Kayla that night. The order was placed at 8 PM; she left with the delivery at 8:45 and Drew stayed and waited for her to return. “She never came back,” Drew told the officer in charge of the case. The next day at school, Drew surprises Gabie and tells her the horrifying news that Kayla is missing. “Quit playing, that 's not funny” is what she told Drew while she pretended not to be bothered by the news. Drew broke the news to her and explained that the guy had requested for her to make the delivery. That worried Gabie as she knew she was the intended victim. Officer