Compare And Contrast The Night The Bed Fell And Stolen Day

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Compare/Contrast Essay

In the stories “The Night the Bed Fell” and “Stolen Day” both narrators had a problem with their families. In the story “The Night the Bed Fell” this boy named James (the author), was sleeping when something happened and started chaos. In the story “Stolen Day” there was a kid named Sherwood (the author), and he does not feel like his family takes him seriously.
In theses 2 stories the 2 narrators had some things in common like, they both had trouble with their families, like in the story “The Night the Bed Fell” James's cot fell which started chaos, but in the end he talked it out with his family and they all understood each other. In the story “Stolen Day” Sherwood thought he had inflammatory rheumatism, but when