
The Ottoman Empire: Most Powerful States In The World

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The Ottoman Empire was one of the most powerful states in the world when Turkish tribes in Anatolia first created it. When first established, the Ottoman quickly spread and changed classic forms of those regions to modern forms. When the Ottoman Empire was most popular, which was between the years of 1481 and 1566; it took over most of South Eastern Europe, and sections of the Middle East. This establishment named after the nomadic Turkmen chief that founded it around the 1300’s. There was however, a slow, but steady downfall due to internal problems, the decline took place between the years 1566 and 1807. The main cause of the downfall was the fact that the Sultans no longer had ability, determination or power to continue. Eventually, in 1806 a war broke out over territory between the Ottomans and Russia because of Russia invading Moldavia and Walachia. In February 1807, another war broke out between the …show more content…

Britain also invaded Egypt in March of 1807. Eventually, in 1808 some of the leaders gave in to Russia and accepted their principalities. Geographically, Turkey has many opportunities. Right in between Asia and Europe, and surrounded by three oceans, Turkey is in a location known for many earthquakes (pg.6). The Asia Minor takes up a strong majority of Turkey, which is Anatolia. However, Thrace which is the part of Turkey that is European is directly West from the Bosporus Strait (pg.5) The Asia Minor was originally known as “The land of Haiti” when it was first established by the Hittites. Eventually it got its name “Asia Minor” by a historian named Orosius. Roughly, one-fourth of Thrace is inside the Turkey border, but majority of it is in

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