
The Picture Of Dorian Gray Death Essay

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In today’s society, there is often told of stories of teenagers who commit suicide, and with that comes a revelation about that person’s life and why they chose to take their life so suddenly and abrupt. Stereotypically it comes with a moral along the lines of they were bullied to the point where they believed that there was no sign of resolutions. Death is present in the most famous tragedies, such as Hamlet and Romeo and Juliet, from which there is an extreme conclusion to be able to decipher the true theme about it. In Wilde’s The Picture of Dorain Grey, there is a vivid death scene that puts all of the pieces of the puzzle together in one short instance.
Basically what happens in the end of the novel, Dorian Gray takes his own life by stabling a knife through a portrait. This painting of himself is a reflection of his soul and constantly changes as Dorian becomes more corrupted. By destroying his soul, he takes his own life.
The major theme that is associated with Dorian death is that all he cared about was to stay youthful, through the portrait he could obtain this type of immortality, regardless of what morals he had. Through Lord Henry’s manipulation of Dorian’s innocence, Dorian engaged in pleasures that seemed to poison the people around him. For example, Campbell, who came in contact with Dorian, eventually committed …show more content…

This was brought about by the murdering his friend Basil. He seemed to think about it frequently and couldn’t shake off the thought of it. In one instance there was a bunny that ran across a field about to be shot, yet Dorian called out not to shoot the rabbit because he admired his innocence and beauty. It reminded him of what he used to be before Henry’s influence. Dorian thought that since he saved a young innocent girl from his corruption that it would reverse the ugliness of his soul, only to realize it had become more horrid than what it had started out to

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