The Poisoner's Handbook By Deborah Blum

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In chapter 6 titled “Carbon Monoxide (CO), Part 1” of The Poisoner’s Handbook by Deborah Blum the most interesting story developed within the chapter was the death of Anna Fredericksen after inhaling carbon monoxide. It was interesting because the way the murder was convicted, it created the impression as if Francesco Trivia had cut her into pieces, making him look like a lunatic killer. As Gettler noted in his inquiry, “In each glass vessel, each ceramic dish, the bloody solutions, instead of turning the darkish grays of normal oxygenated blood, flamed that brilliant red. Her blood was saturated with carboxyhemoglobin.” (Blum 148). This proves that it wasn’t the butcher knife that has killed Anna, but it was the gas drifting from the stove