The Positive Aspects Of Staying Environment

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Developmental Psychology has derived a term to describe the people, rituals, places etc. that surround one at any given point in time. In any institutional settings, the holding environment technically refers to a safe place where people can talk about their concerns to the environment and conditions they are undergoing so as to clarify assumptions, and challenges being faced by them. Hence, the good holding environment essentially builds up risk taking traits thereby providing security to the concerned i.e. supportive environment but uncomfortable in the same time as well. So, in a holding environment, the actor can feel as a different being and can discuss the problem but one can’t avoid the problem as he’s to experience it. That’s how the holding environment holds the person and pushes to move ahead and grow and take risks. …show more content…

The kid is in safe hands, as the father will not let him fall and will be there to resolve and guide after listening to him, but the child can’t avoid paddling and moving ahead. Therefore, putting the holding environment example into action for the role of the teacher assistance, it is very vital that teacher assistant poses to the student a complete set of efforts where one is growing by taking all other aspects of professional and personal life as well. The more practical the model, the easy it will be for the students to build up their own character according to the model. Since, the holding environment makes one face his/ her fears and grow beyond the fears to live a successful life therefore the model and leadership available to the students shall be pushing enough that makes them face their fears, let’s them work out to resolve the problems they fear being active part of it, and grow out of fears unlocking a world of whole new