How Does Photography Affect Society

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Photography is a useful tool for exhibiting a country’s main assets and attractions. Photographers enjoy taking photos of something that intrigues them, such as war photography or street photography. With this photography conveys a positive message about one’s country. This can benefit a country in many ways, for example, boosting their tourism or shedding a positive light on it’s good qualities. Although photography comes with good traits, it could also have a negative effect on society. Having access to photography and photographs, this can also make people perceive a country in a different way.
← (Photo: Henri Cartier Bresson - Decisive Moment, 1932) [1]

Many photojournalists show either the good or bad of a country. War photojournalists would take a wide range of war photos from a single battle. Landscape photographers mainly capture beautiful scenery of a country or place. This can affect people’s mindset about a country.

The saying goes “A picture is worth a thousand words,”. Photos can tell a story about a place. Whether it be during the present, the past of the future. This may also show people different perspectives on a country. A good example for this is the Munich Massacre photo.

← (Photo: Kurt Strumph - Munich Massacre, 1972) [2]

This photo was taken during the 1972, Summer Olympics held in Munich, Germany. At 4:30 am, on September 5th, five men wearing tracksuits, bearing guns in their duffle bags climbed the fence which surrounded the Olympic Village,