Little Rock Nine Research Paper

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The school system was not always the way it is now. It was not schools that were mixed with every race under one building sitting next to each other getting the same education. In 1954 the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional for schools to be segregated, in the case of Brown v Board of Education. This paper will argue that the Little Rock nine played a pivotal moment in history by leading to desegregation and bringing into light the social injustices during that time for African American students.
Terry Barrett describes that there are six categories that photographs can fall in that describes their external context. Ethically evaluative photographs are photographs that bring awareness about social issues that are presented in …show more content…

The state troops were there to prevent them from going in, an order the Governor made that morning. Looking at the photograph you can see two different emotions. The blacks are looking in disbelief that they are not able to attend classes. And there loved ones are confused on the matter of what is happening. While looking at the police you see some who are in the motion of doing what they were ordered to do. While you have the two who are in the front that seem to be happy that they are preventing this integration of blacks and …show more content…

This is after the President got aware of what happen and ordered the army to go protect the nine black students. The photo shows the officers pushing back protestors to calm the environment so the blacks can go to classes without being harassed and tormented by the whites. This was a pivotal moment in the Little Rock nine. This is the moment that some of the previous pictures helped. This shows how even though the Governor did not agree with blacks going to school with whites, the President of the United States did and sent in reinforcements to help the