The Possibility Of Dyslexia In Children

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Some children in today 's society seem to struggle more than others with reading and writing. Most children are born with this disability and sometime it is developed. This disability is very frustrating and stressful. Many parents, teachers, and even some students think that they are just not smart enough to spell, read, write, or comprehend letters and words. It is not because they aren’t smart. Its because of a learning disability called dyslexia. It usually takes children with dyslexia a while longer than children without dyslexia to read a word that would generally be considered simple. Dyslexia is a disorder that involves difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that does not affect general intelligence. …show more content…

People with dyslexia have the same chance of being successful as someone without dyslexia. Children and adults with dyslexia face hardship everyday because they have a learning disability. According to an article published by the World of Health, How well a person with dyslexia functions in life depends on the way the disability affects the person. There is a great deal of variation among different people with dyslexia, producing different symptoms and different degrees of severity” (World of Health 2). Children are put in LD, remedial, or special education courses just because they cannot read or write as well as other children. Adults are put in special programs for illiterate people. According to an article published by the Gale Encyclopedia of Science, “the major cause of illiteracy is dyslexia” (Mullig 2). Some people with dyslexia often give up when they are young because people consider them to be or tell them that they are ”dumb”. But many people with dyslexia have continued even with the hardships of having dyslexia. Many celebrity figures that are seen on television everyday have dyslexia. Whoopi Goldberg, Tom Cruise, Robin Williams, and even Danny Glover are famous tv stars and actors that had to overcome having dyslexia as a child in order to become who they are today. In an article done by the University of Michigan, “Research has shown that the dyslexic individual 's brain is wired differently—and that is not a bad thing! Many dyslexics have strong skills in …show more content…

People diagnosed with dyslexia have other skills they are good at, they are very smart in other subjects, and they can still become successful just like someone without dyslexia. A person with dyslexia can do anything a person without dyslexia can do. Children and adults with dyslexia struggle to fit in with others who feel like they are outsiders. Based on an article done by the University of Michigan, “The current definition of dyslexia in the literature: Dyslexia is a specific learning disability that is neurobiological in origin. It is characterized by the difficulties with accurate and/or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities” (What is Dyslexia? 1). When most people think of dyslexia, many think of unitelligent individuals who can 't read. Individuals with dyslexia are not dumb. They are just as smart as anyone else. Dyslexia is not caused by physical or mental problems. Dyslexia is not bought upon by background or personality. The disorder is hereditary which means if someone in their family has it they are more likely to have it also. Based on an article done by the University of Michigan, people with dyslexia can have problems with skills like math, memory, organizing, studying, self esteem, and other everyday activities (What is Dyslexia? 1). Although there is no cure for dyslexia, many individuals with it learn to live with it and see it as a blessing and not necessarily a curse. Having dyslexia is not all about reading.