
The Powerful Character Of Yule May In Hilly's

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During chapter 19, Yule May, Hilly’s maid, is imprisoned for stealing one of Hilly’s rings to help pay for her twin sons’ college tuition. Hilly, being the cruel person that she is, used her social connections to ensure that Yule May’s sentence was eight times longer than the usual petty theft sentence. Throughout the entire novel, Hilly Holbrook is one of the strongest characters, always knowing what her next move is. During this instance, it is very ironic that Yule May’s imprisonment was almost beneficial to Skeeter’s book and the black community. When Skeeter initially found out about Yule May, she says “If the maids were afraid to help us yesterday, I’m sure they’re terrified today” (Stockett 251), which is, ironically, the exact opposite
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