The Prophet Muhammad

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There are many great religious influences around the course of history that we learn about and practice today. Many religions have teachings and ideas that have influenced and bettered our society and politics. The most influential of all the religious figures in Islam was the Prophet Muhammad, and his achievements influence the modern economy, politics, and society (Rangoonwala, Sy, & Epinoza, 2011).

Muhammad was born in the Seventh Century in Mecca, a town in what is now called Saudi Arabia. His father died before he was born, and his mother and a nurse raised him until the age of five or six, until his mother died of illness. After his mother’s death, he was placed in the care of his grandfather, who had a very strong influence on his …show more content…

To fully understand the Islamic religion, we must understand the story of Muhammad because his prophecy was so influential and his message still continues to exist. Muhammad was the last prophet that was sent by Allah. Allah has chosen Muhammad because he has similar characteristics to Allah, and he Prophet was also introduced in the society as a leader of Islam (Rangoonwala, Sy, & Epinoza, 2011). Muhammad is a role model to every Muslim in the world. His message was that all men must worship the one true God, Allah. Muhammad was a leader who fought for the purpose of religion (Rangoonwala, Sy, & Epinoza, 2011).

Even before Islam was emerged, the Greeks and Romans affected the whole area from Libya, Egypt, and India. Muhammad formed the basis of Islam, which is still present today (Shaker, 2012). Muhammad and his followers traveled the Middle East, spreading the new religion and the new way of life to gain more people following them. These men and women still continue to follow the Law of Islam based off the Quran. Muslims follow the Qur’an to live by what is right by God and use the teachings of Muhammad to live by the Prophet’s example (Shaker, …show more content…

The first wife of Muhammad was the first that supported his belief and was first to convert to Islam (Shaker, 2012). Even though men had commonly more than one wife in the seventh century Arabia, Muhammad remained monogamous with his wife until her death (Shaker, 2012).

After the next ten years, he married several women, and these marriages occurred in order to customs of the day (Shaker, 2012). The marriage’s purpose was to provide physical and economic shelter to widows of Muslims who had died.

Muhammad had one wife that was not previously married and had been promised to him by a close companion when she was just a small girl. She had lived with her parents until she reached puberty and was later Muhammad’s wife. She became the main source of information about Muhammad after he died (Shaker, 2012). She asserted that Muhammad lived by the Qur’an and his followers were to follow his