The Pros And Cons Of A Biological Weapon

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Biological warfare agents, such as anthrax and smallpox, are powerful weapons due to the fact the agents vary greatly in appearance and method of effective release. Terrorist attacks using a biological agent are considered one of the easiest and deadliest attacks because most agents can be dispersed silently and remain invisible until the mission is complete (“Biological warfare…” n.pag.). If a toxin is released into the public, a massive spread of disease would occur; however, the person handling the organism must have knowledge about the agents so they do no infect themselves in the process of trying to harm others (“Bioterrorism” n.pag.). If a bioterrorism attack were to occur, the government would not tell the public until they had developed a plan; once people realize they could be infected, widespread panic would …show more content…

“Biological Weapons” states that “When compared to the cost of a nuclear weapons program, biological weapons are extremely cheap. It is estimated that 1 gram of toxin could kill 10 million people” (n.pag.) Biological warfare is considered by some to be as deadly as the atomic bomb (Bell n.pag.). While biological warfare does infect humans, it also infects agriculture and livestock, which adds to the devastating effects of an attack. An attack aimed at agriculture and livestock could result in a slow, steady, or fast pace spreading virus resulting in an explosive epidemic (“Welcome to…” n.pag.). Although agricultural bioterrorism affects people’s food sources, this type of attack also can cause an economic decline as well (“Welcome to… “ n.pag.). Bioterrorism effects are appalling due to the mass amount of destruction that can be inflicted on people, livestock, agriculture, as well as the