The Pros And Cons Of A Capitalistic Constitutional Monarchy

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Theres only one government I would wish for my country, and that is a capitalistic constitutional monarchy. I chose this for my country because of many reasons. It follows tradition, and allows for quick decision making. It also grants rights and doesn’t let the leader get out of hand. The capitalistic side encourages citizens to earn more by working harder. I believe that this form of government is the best and would allow my country to thrive.
In history, the timing of decisions has always been a big deal. When people have to vote, it seems like it takes forever to tally up and get the results. If a time of crisis was near, what would happen? If a democracy decided to vote on what to do, was it possible they could be too late? A constitutional monarchy solves this because there is only one leader, or king as in my country’s case, that only takes an instant to decide what to do. This allows for time to carry out a decision made by the monarch, and if a time of crisis did happen, the country would be ready. …show more content…

It provides a stable structure and keeps order among things. In fact, there is almost tradition in everything. During the Age of Exploration, Europe was led by a lot of monarchies. When the French claimed Annikan (my country) as their own, the colonists who settled there had already had a taste of it, and continued to live under it for years until they decided to secede and form our government. And of course they formed a monarchy, but one that wasn’t so tyrannical as France’s. But it still followed the tradition. With this in mind, many people defend the Annikan monarchy because of its rich