The Pros And Cons Of A Trauma Surgeon

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Trauma surgeons work in hard in challenging environments with complex tools that are dangerous and sharp. One can easily hurt themselves on accident, and that can be extremely dangerous to surgeons. Although the medical department is careful there is a high risk of gaining some type of disease through the bloodstream. Harvard has shown that seventeenth fifty seven million deaths have occurred because of occupational exposure. Physicians, though, are less likely than the general public to get care or even recognize they are suffering from depression, burnout or other mental illnesses. The rate of suicide is 40 percent higher than average for male doctors and one hundred percent higher for female doctors. Studies show that about twenty …show more content…

These levels can be life threatening to the medic. “As a surgeon, you can expect to be sued at least once in a career by a patient or their family, according to an August 2011 study by "The New England Journal of Medicine." Surgeons face a higher rate of lawsuits than general physicians, and neurosurgeons experience the highest rate among all specialties” ("Are There Any Dangers of Being a Surgeon?"). Other disadvantage is the multiple times trauma surgeons get emotionally connected to their patients and the if they pass away it is said to really hurt the surgeon as a person and not just as a doctor ("Traumasurgeonoveralladvantagesandisadvan - “Shatikasloan"). Trauma Surgeons can get paid from $174,857 to $427,897, that is from $14,571.42 to $35,658.10 per month. These are the people who should be seen as the real superheros of the world. Since 2010 an average medical student has about a $145,000 debt waiting for them as they get a job it is even higher if they go to a private school ("Are There Any Dangers of Being a Surgeon?"). “Because traumas can happen at all hours three hundred sixty five days a year, trauma doctors work around the clock. If you are going into this specialty, you may need to rotate shifts and cover overnight, weekend or holiday shifts” ("Are There Any Dangers of Being a

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